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Posted by Dave Food on Oct 25, 2018 4:57:55 PM
Dave Food

Why the need of a Data Artist?

Even though the Data Scientist is helping organisations to make sense of their data by using algorithms and Machine Learning, business people would not understand the same ‘language’ that technical are speaking. This gap is now filled by a new role that combines the technical expertise of a Data Scientist with the creative abilities of an artist or a Graphic Designer.

Organisations realised that they need to tell stories based on their data using infographics to condense large amounts of information into a form where the reader will more readily absorb it. But, most of the time they are static, so infographics weren't telling the whole story, as information is endlessly flowing in and new data flowing can mean changes on the outcome.

Data Artist role and responsibilities:

A Data Artist bridges this gap by creating data visualisation and presenting "technical information" in ways more natural to comprehend.

The incredible volume and availability of data, and the speed and processing power of modern technology make it possible for Data artists to create a visualisation of complex data. The data is made visual and meaningful through flexible tools that help the Data Artist to visually communicate the nature of data to the organisation, offering real-time visibility into all kinds of data sources, as well as helping them to accelerate decision-making while expanding the chances of success.

The benefits of hiring Data artist:

 Can help provide a competitive advantage by improving an organisation’s ability to make beneficial decisions fast.

 A Data Artist provides real-time analysis.

 You can experiment with different options and see different outcomes.

 To figure out how to optimise your business for better results.

 Data artists also possess the skills to make data visualisation interactive, a strategic to standing out of the competition.

For example, Data artists can help to support better the Healthcare industry, or as support even for clinicians and their patient data; these data in a format where you can understand it at a glance, to better decision-making, better patient outcomes, and better business and financial results.

So, what does it take to be Data Science Artist?

 Data artists must have an exceptional blend of skills: part Programmer, part Data Scientist and part Visual Artist, even a grasp of Educational Psychology to comprehend human beings’ visual processing abilities to understand information. Gamers also are likely to have the right pre-existing skillsets to make a good fit for a Data Artist role.

 Critical thinking to be able to apply an objective analysis of facts on a given topic or problem before formulating opinions, to understand the business problem or decision being made.

 To be able to extract what is critical to solving the problem and what can be ignored.

 Needs to have experience but also have the ability not to get hock on common belief.

 Data artists need visual design and creative skills to transform data into images that are easily digestible.

 To know how to use open source tools to help design custom visualisations.

 The need to work closely with Data scientists and understand their language.

Summing up: Data artists can almost name their price, as to find talented people with this variety of skills seems to be nearly impossible. But it is possible to trace for talent that can be developed to fill the role, and then provides training for technical mastery.

As Data Artist becomes more common within enterprises, it will also come the time for when end-users could develop amateur data artistic ability to create and customise their visualisations based on the company data and to benefit from them. Many technology applications are building data analysis and visualisation tools into their offerings. The future of a Data Artist is promising!

Dave Food


Prophetic Technology


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