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Elastic Logistics is a more flexible approach to meet the client’s needs

The Elastic Logistics concept becomes known recently when Supply Chain Management (SCM) found it cha...

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Posted by Dave Food on Oct 22, 2020 8:52:52 PM
Dave Food

The Elastic Logistics concept becomes known recently when Supply Chain Management (SCM) found it challenging to keep on tracking the enormous variety of items and suppliers, and the need to fulfil ever-growing client’s personalised demands and expectancies. This approach represents a great way to adjust to client’s standards, such as safety, technology, communication and speed.

What clearly defines this approach is “flexibility” to get inventory bigger or bringing it down, fitting demands of the SC market in a given time, enhancing agility and elasticity of the Logistics process to overcome market instabilities profitably.

How this new system empowers companies service

·       Innovative platforms or software implemented in your SC boost customer’ experience, crucial when building brand loyalty.

·       A 4.0 Platform keeps all stakeholders connected simultaneously to get steady entrance to their cargoes.

·       They can easily see the vehicle position; they would be capable of interconnecting across the platform, interchange documents, or issue invoices.

·       To expand or shrink back as required in prior-agreement demands; upscaling and downscaling, depending on seasonal-demand activity.

·       It allows organisations to run SCs more effectively to cope with fluctuations.

·       It focuses on the variables; for example, demand variation, weather conditions, freight space or shortage of it, sailing and flight timetables.

How to foster flexibility in your company

·       Implement the solutions at all company’s levels. Elastic Logistics should encompass all areas of the business from cost control to warehouse management to delivery, and beyond.

·       It demands software tracking tech and high-level data to generate visibility.

·       Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into your SC drives the agility to redesign operations and, in the end, model a robust customer’s experience.

·       Automation can increase infrastructure and services agility.

·       Use just one smart tool that integrates everything on a synchronised process.

·       Put into operation solutions centred on the most advanced technology to support on-time delivering, while maintaining costs steady despite demand strains.

·       Managing the most accurate timetable, easy implementation, user-friendly, access to innovative tools, maps and communication.

·       Explore for new associates, accept customised proposals, get into service-provider setting, all in place.

Elastic Logistics and warehousing

E-commerce, automation processes in packing and picking, warehouse management, multi-channel marketing, all compel warehousing and Logistics further towards supply-led decision-making —this constant-extending and contracting of warehouse processes grounded on supply, grants for more trustworthy financial control. 

The Elastic Logistics processes include managing arriving, and outgoing deliveries are done on a specific dashboard to develop efficiency and data capture. It also makes simpler the administration of delivery processes, granting the user’s quick recognition on cost escalation and respond, looking at another possibility whether in terms of price and fulfilment of customer’s need.

When enhancing visibility through suitable software, it helps you to identify existing stock levels better. It drives more significant customer’s satisfaction and pro-active marketing solutions to promptly taking off e-commerce store items when they go down and to restore them when new supplies enter rapidly.

Elastic Logistics simplifies warehouse planning, automates the dispatch process, founding each decision first on customer’s preferences, then on goals and costs, and making shipping or freight processes scalable straight away. 

Who should apply for Elastic Logistics?

One way to classify the sectors that find Elastic Logistics useful is to say they tend to be customer-centric. It particularly favours the retail, fashion and pharmaceutical industries due to the infrastructures it uses, such as On-demand warehouse rental and Third Party Logistics to cope with market variabilities. 

However, Elastic Logistics is not necessary for those industries where there is infrequent price fluctuation, where demand is mostly constant, and where goods are complicated to transport (e.g. large-scale agricultural production or mining) because they are not always customer-directed.

Further comments: this approach boosts customer retention, a primary goal for most industries. Used strategically, Elastic Logistics creates greater sustainability, allowing warehousing and logistics teams to delivering supplies on time, whilst reducing costs. 

Is your company customer-centric? I yes, then, the Elastic Logistics approach is right for you!

Prophetic Technology


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