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Posted by Dave Food on Dec 29, 2018 1:32:53 PM
Dave Food

What humans have that machines cannot have?

We humans are intelligent multi-dimensional beings with a brain that has been evolving for millions of years. We are emotion-driven too, and hormones play a big part in this.  We count on uniquely human skills, such as emotions, creativity, humour, intuitions, consciousness. Our consciousness, reasoning and innovative thinking are all innumerable aspects of our mind.

Consciousness is the awareness of our thoughts. It makes us aware both of an external object or something within oneself, and something fundamental: we make them meaningful for our livesIntuition is the ability to make decisions without knowing why. Although machines are now kind of intuitive because they are making decisions; but they do not know how to articulate why are they making those decisions. Some interesting facts:

  • AI can never outsmart humans.
  • Humans mind is quite more complex and advanced.
  • Our body and mind respond to emotions driven by many different hormones.
  • Humans program machines. 
  • We have a deep feeling of the importance and worth of life.

So, why to be afraid of machines? 

Humans programme Artificial Intelligence systems. Machines recognise that it has sensors, that it uses Data Analytics, to come into action, it is able of language understanding and generation, apply evidence to decision making, problem-solving, text analysis, and more, bringing all together into a central deposit. It makes decisions based on what it has and infers but doesn´t know what to do. AI depends on these relationships among components and controllers, makes the machine to ask what is happening and where the answer might be, but do not know where every single element is.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is part of Machine Learning (ML) functions, which in turn are part of a broader set of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. They enable a computer to develop rules on its own to solve problems and is based on learning data representations fed by humans.  Hereafter, some facts around Deep Learning:

  • It is certainly an autonomous, self-teaching system.
  • It calculates square roots or recovers a web page instantaneously.
  • Its algorithms find patterns and make predictions about new data.
  • Humans feed the program with existing data and millions of images.
  • It establishes patterns by classifying and clustering the image data (e.g. edges, shapes, colours, distances between the forms, and more.)
  • Those patterns will inform a predictive model.
  • It’s impossible for humanoid AI to comprehend equally as humans.
  • It acquires skills without human involvement.
  • It learns from large amounts of data, performs a task repeatedly, each time adjusting it little to improve the outcome.
  • It has various deep layers that enable learning.
  • It can learn to solve problems.
  • Its capabilities have grown in recent years.
  • Its algorithms benefit from the stronger computing power.

Deep learning algorithms do this via various layers of artificial neural networks which imitate the network of neurons in our brain. The algorithm performs different cycles to narrow down patterns and improve the predictions with each cycle.  For instance, Face ID. You train the algorithm by scanning your face, creating a depth map of it, and the phone’s inbuilt neural engine will perform the analysis to predict whether it is you or not.

What exactly is Deep Learning tackling?

1.      It helps to understand your speech and the language humans use when they interact with them, like a virtual assistant.

2.      Its algorithms can automatically translate between languages.

3.      It brings visibility for driverless delivery trucks, drones and autonomous cars to understand and how to respond to the conditions of the road.

4.      Service bots can respond intelligently and helpfully to an increasing amount of auditory and text questions.

5.      Its algorithms can use the context and objects in black and white images to colour them.

6.      Facial recognition for security purposes, people on posts, and to make payments for items in a store just by using our faces.

7.      In Medicine and pharmaceuticals, it supports professionals to detect and diagnose disease or tumour and to personalised medication specifically for an individual’s genome.

8.      Personalised shopping and entertainment.

FINAL COMMENTS: we are experiencing a rapid change in the AI industry. Deep Learning lets machines to get to the bottom of complicated problems even when using a dataset that is very unlike; it gets better when more data the algorithms collect.

To all those people concerned about the “dangers” of AI, it is advisable to start recognising that our future has to be a partnership with these intelligent machines and that building intelligence on devices far from taking anything from us, it helps us to make our work faster, easier and more accurate.  We are just giving the machines our reasoning and consciousness, our way of looking at the world, they depend on us, as our high-developed brains are a long way ahead when it comes to common sense, inspiration, imagination, and innovation. Being intelligent is a gift to the Humankind!

Dave Food

Prophetic Technology

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