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Supply Chains run to a rhythm, you might call it a beat, they have a daily routine, a weekly routine...

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Posted by Dave Food on Mar 11, 2016 5:17:00 AM
Dave Food

The Music of the Supply Chain
Supply Chains run to a rhythm, you might call it a beat, they have a daily routine, a weekly routine a monthly and a yearly cycle that they run through; where the content changes but the patterns rhythms are very similar. An orchestra has a number of sections, that may play together, woodwind, brass strings etc, they are kept together by the conductor or leader who starts them together and helps them to stay together.

There are various musical forms that we see in choirs and orchestras;

Unison: When everyone plays together at the same pitch or octave.

Harmony: The simultaneous combination of tones, especially when blended into chordspleasing to the ear; chordal structure, as distinguished from melody and rhythm. Or the thescience of the structure, relations, and practical combination of chords.

Counterpoint: When two themes, phrases weave together in a pattern that creates something more than the sum of the two themes.

Orchestration: The process by where the the musical form is defined and shared among the players or voices.

This is true for a Supply Chain, the Supply Chain needs to run to a beat, this ought to be set by the bottleneck , however in many Supply Chains there are sections that are running in overdrive this results in unnecessary surplus and waste. Once the conductor  are used to align the sections to play together the Supply Chain leaders then help to synchronize the components of the supply chain.

This requires that the themes and tunes of the Supply Chain are orchestrated (assigned) to the right voices and instruments to create harmony and counterpoint. This is achieved through the plan that takes account of the business objective, the harmony rules and the range of voices available to use to create a good piece of music (a feasible plan).

Good music is made when a good themes and tunes are combined in a well orchestrated piece, when all the musicians play well, lead and directed by the conductor. The whole orchestra knows when they have created a perfect piece of music, when the sense of achievement and completion is known by the whole team, everyone has played there part, the piece has been executed to the score (plan) with every instrumentalist playing their part.

Good Supply Chain execution  is achieved when a profitable, feasible plan is delivered by all the components playing their part and the conductor keeping everyone together adjusting the rhythm to the beat to complete a successful plan.

  • Is your Supply Chain running to the beat (the bottleneck) in your supply chain?
  • Do the components of your Supply chain listen to the other teams to fine tune the execution to create that perfect harmony?
  • What tools are you using to create a successful orchestration, is it both a feasible and profitable plan?
  • Who is the Conductor in your Supply Chain Orchestra?



Dave Food


Prophetic Technology

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