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Smart Spaces linking and bringing together All Systems!

Nowadays, the word SMART is everywhere. Concepts like smart homes, connected factories or smart citi...

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Posted by Dave Food on Jul 26, 2019 2:34:55 PM
Dave Food

Nowadays, the word SMART is everywhere. Concepts like smart homes, connected factories or smart cities are now commonly practices around the world, offering a large number of opportunities; the central point is on making our lives better, whether you are an ordinary citizen, an employee, a customer or a consumer. 

Smart Spaces are a digital or physical environment in which humans and technology-empowered systems act together in a linked and finely tuned setting. Smart Spaces is a collaborative-intelligent approach that holds together the products and data essential to an individual's daily duties, enclosing much more linked, synchronised and smart solutions all trough aimed ecosystems.

Examples are many, for instance, the use of collaborative platform across enterprises to link, share content, or run collective projects through the availability of numerous devices at any given time, and beyond the limits of a computer or smartphones. Tools which collaborate both with humans and with each other. All apps and devices like drones, robots and autonomous vehicles operating together smartly.

The intervention of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps, or the evolution of Blockchains offering large number of opportunities; Cloud Computing and the significant benefits of Autonomous things, plus Augmented Reality; Edge Computing and Digital Twins to deliver highly integrated Smart Spaces, you name it!

IoT singularities take computing from isolated desktops and mobile devices into the open world around us, significantly changing the user’s experiences, the way they interact among them, and to the Smart Spaces. No more supporting systems closed or isolated from others! We are experiencing an escalating movement to more active-managing operations by deploying AI and many innovative techs which originate autonomous and flexible levels of synchronisation.

Countless elements, such as processes, people, services and things, merge in a Smart Space to generate more immersive, collaborative and automated practices intended for a set of individuals or industry frameworks.

According to Gartner, Smart Spaces approach is based on five fundamental components:

  • Openness indicates the degree of accessibility to the elements in a Smart Space.  Data is shared in an exposed-accessible manner to broad audiences through open protocols and open-sources communities.
  • Connectedness talks about the perception, width and strength of the links between the elements in a Smart Space; it’s closely related to openness. Techs such as the IoT, IoT platforms, Digital Twins, Edge Computing, APIs and Service Architecture (MASA) and much more, all participate to superior connectivity in a Smart Space.
  • Coordination applies to the depth and robustness of synchronisation among the multiple elements in a Smart Space.
  • Intelligence signifies the use of Machine Learning (ML) and AI approaches to take automation into Smart Spaces to deliver services to augment the activities of people in it. Intelligence is equal to autonomous things or Augmented Analytics.
  • Scope indicates the breadth of a Smart Space and its partakers. If the Smart Space counts on a wide-ranging influence, it might focus mainly on the company, though on a limited trouble space; with an even broader scope, perhaps it takes in components beyond the enterprise ecosystem.

The future of Smart Spaces will evolve to deliver intelligent environments in which multiple entities coordinate their activities in digital ecosystems and handle use cases or specific service experiences. Virtual assistants and independent agents will supervise and systematise actions across numerous systems inside the company, the Government and many environments. Open data sharing and the use of Blockchain will reduce friction between different players in the ecosystem and the procedures they use.

Persons managing Smart Spaces will use ever-developing IoT edge devices and more immersive experiences, as the whole world would become their computer.  While all this will take some time to develop, businesses should reach this transformation much faster in more closely-outlined-industry circumstances with a targeted set of personas and processes.

Smart City Spaces speak for the change from isolated systems to intelligent environments. The concept after Smart City is to build transparency to offer an urban-better life, encouraging citizen commitment and self-development through an agenda to work together.

Further comments: There is a shift to get out of the complexity of integrating edge systems into current systems. Smart Spaces bring about many technologies to generate an experience directed to specific personas or industry settings.  The focus is more on interconnected systems with approachable-extend capabilities and new living experiences for diverse communities and social networking objectives.  Get ready for Smart Spaces!



Dave Food

Prophetic Technology

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