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There is a need for a shared-vision in Digital Sustainability

The right choice for your business is to integrate an environmental vision through Digital Sustainab...

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Posted by Dave Food on Dec 2, 2020 3:43:44 PM
Dave Food

The right choice for your business is to integrate an environmental vision through Digital Sustainability. Suppliers and partners need to understand the role digital technology plays in a greener future. 

The Sustainability agenda is getting higher for all; that is why organisations need to get the bigger picture of what collaborating with partners means to build up working-best practices, the infrastructure and mindset required for long-term Sustainability, both in the public and private sectors.

Sustainability currently has high pressure on all parts of the public sector, as it combines with austerity constant-impacts. It must be a central element on how corporations procure and structure their ICT estates, and embark on using such technology in planning for Sustainability in everything they do.

The reasons affecting the environment are not only geographical or organisational limitations; decisions someone takes will, for sure, affect what others can accomplish, the reason why it requires an overall vision and articulated-approach to collaborate to get the best outcomes.

Supply Chain components

One element of SC is about how companies do business with their technology suppliers. Not all companies have a real interest in Sustainability. The intention is making operations carbon-free by 2030; and to eradicate carbon emitted to the environment either, directly or by electrical consumption by 2050.

Follow these initiatives

·       Make your operation carbon neutral.

·       Cut energy use at your facilities.

·       Commit to building sustainable devices.

·       Make your cloud services more energy-carbon efficient.

Public authorities need to give their whole SC a push towards taking a greener approach and intensifying the collaboration of other suppliers to follow your lead. These are instances of what committees can search for in their SCs and pinpoint these as prerequisites for doing business.

Ethical procurement is a significant factor in working with suppliers and maintaining them responsible for making more vital-social values in products and services.

Make of Sustainability a vital consideration in granting contracts to suppliers – along with efforts to protect human rights and fighting against modern slavery are all factors to bring in into public-sector-procurement frameworks. 

Blockchain option - There is space for innovation in this area and to the possibility of Blockchain technology facilitating public authorities to outline and follow the sources of raw material and elements in all sort of products.

Set a bonus on recycling - Corporations can also set a bonus on measures for recycling digital devices. They can go for re-use or 'urban mining' of their raw materials to turn back into a new production process.

Reinforce collaboration with third sector partners and the public in general. It is where the placed method develops into the central approach, in which businesses taking care of a community look at the environmental consequences of what they do and work on a collective insight. It can set the ground for a stronger position on how they use digital technology for Sustainability.

There is an effort for local government to work more diligently with other local and regional societies, and an opening to make Sustainability a fundamental element of it. They all need to comprehend the focal point and find out a common understanding – possibly through a document of considerations on Sustainability matters – to set the line of work for a combined-strategic to make the most of the collective benefits.

We can accomplish a digital transformation in all areas by learning from each other experiences and sharing know-how in particular fields, whilst sharing these among collaborators and local authorities.

On the other hand, an authority could have the missing pieces for disentangling another's problem - there is always someone in a neighbourhood who will have the capability or a proposal for coping with a concern. The source of success would be in working as one. 

Generate force

At a regional level, sustainability leads within authorities could instil some momentum by initiating exchanges of ideas with equals in other societies. Although an escalating number of associations have a sustainability officeholder, the role often comes together with other tasks, and the focus of what it embodies can be different. Also, they might realise it too challenging to get excitement from organisations where front-runners do not yet accept their responsibility in supporting Sustainability.

The movement would also benefit from procedures at the regional or national level for giving out expertise and mutual aid.

Triggering all these calls for a shared vision of what to accomplish to stimulate a holistic understanding of Sustainability. There is a vision of significant consideration to inspire public authorities –technology in their working performance, strategic to recycling, data centre and cloud operations, traffic management, digital tech in planning – because they need to bring about all of these into their vision for Sustainability.

Summing up: the coordination of all this is a big challenge. However, it would support to rooting it deep into a business; as a result, planning for Sustainability will be the core element of digital transformation and effective programmes, becoming a high-priority for the near future of all participants of the public sector. Begin the use of digital technology in planning for Sustainability in everything you do.

 Is becoming more collaborative-sustainable your vision of a future SC?


Prophetic Technology


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