What is Content Marketing?
• It’s a Marketing technique.
• It’s a power model for marketers.
• It’s a respond for today’s extremely digitally-connected customers.
• It provides value to target audience.
• It can improve your targeted customers’ lives.
• It transmits the companies’ goals.
• It doesn’t push customers to buy your product or service.
• It helps customer to make decisions.
• It brings value from their purchase.
• It drives business results for your brand.
• It increases sales, cost savings, and brings better and more loyal customers.
Marketing leaders must make structural changes to drive successful Content Marketing initiatives; Quality Content is part of all forms of Marketing. The kind of content that could be part of a Content Marketing campaign is the one people seek it out, want to purchase and consume in the future, in such a way that it helps companies create sustainable brand loyalty. The Return on Investment (RoI) for Content Marketing can be remarkable if executed correctly.
Corporations found Content Marketing opportunities through Internet. Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, blogs, micro blogging websites like Twitter, forums, wikis or open encyclopaedias, content communities like Flickr, Tumblr, Pinterest and YouTube, and podcasts are all forms of Social Media. All of these forms involve the building of networks or communities by allowing users to interact with each other. Online Content Marketing is now made accessible, shareable and on-demand anytime worldwide. Electronic services refer to interactive network services between the customer and the organisations mainly through the network technology, such as using E-mail, telephone, online chat windows for communication.
Digital Content Marketing is a management process that uses digital products through different electronic channels to identify, forecast and satisfy the content requirements of a particular audience. It must be consistently updated and added to, in order to influence the behaviour of customers. Digital Content Marketing uses digital products through different channels, such as websites and videos.
Some Digital channels you can use when publishing your Marketing Content:
• Infographics (includes valuable information, like statistics, chart, graphs, etc.), and can be passed around on Social Media or posted on websites.
• Web pages (can be used to identify different providers’ sites, by you or by consumers)
• Podcasts give you visibility in a completely different world—primarily iTunes.
• Videos are becoming very popular (amateur or professional) and are cheaper than you expected.
• eBooks drives customers to your coaching or speaking services.
• Blogging is the easiest way to do your own Content Marketing to engage readers and turn them into customers or clients.
• News, white papers, email newsletters, case studies, how-to guides, question/answer articles, photos, apps, public speaking, presentations, live events, etc., each of these have unique benefits.
Content Strategy refers to the planning, development, and management of content—written or in other media, through the application of a wide range of approaches, techniques, and tools. Practitioner deeply depend on their professional training and education, to efficiently consider how content might be re-distributed and/or re-purposed in other channels of delivery.; content needs to be selected and placed to engage the audience, convey a message, and call-to-action,
Metrics tools, analysing your campaign, demographics of new visitors, source of traffic, online behaviours, buying habits, time spent, visit, comments, likes, time spent, number of visitors, conversions all are to measure your campaign: a) Number of visitors to a page; b) Search engines, all are tools that help you to measure your campaign, which at the end decide the success of Digital Content Marketing.
Your SEO efforts should be focused on Content Marketing to:
• Add value to your organisation.
• Use as many Social Media platforms to publish your Content Marketing.
• Engage authentically with your prospect.
• Meet your readers where they are.
• Know yourself, be conscious of your role advantage to become a thought leader.
• Deliver new and different content from what your customer has already read or seen that day.
• Metrics; without the data to prove it to know if your Content Strategy is working.
• Give your Content team the freedom to try new approaches.
• Invest in high-quality content to excel your competitors.
• Amuse and delight, teach them something that will help them be better at what they do.
Dave Food
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